WEBダンジョン誌掲載の冒険、4eリスト 20101213
適正レベル | 私家訳タイトル | 原題 | 作者 | 号数 | 公開日 | 項数 | 特記 |
01〜03 | Cross-City Race | James "Grim" Desborough | #176 | 2010/03/17 | 21 | ||
01 | The Vault of Darom Madar | Aeryn "Blackdirge" Rudel | #181 | 2010/08/18 | 34 | Dark Sun | |
02 | 氷塔の脅威 | Menace of the Icy Spire | Sean Molley | #159 | 2008/10/08 | 19 | 年鑑 抄訳 FR |
03 | レルキンガムの関税 | Tariff of Relkingham | Eytan Bernstein | #158 | 2008/09/30 | 21 | 抄訳 |
03 | 帝国の残骸 | Remains of the Empire | Kolja Raven Liquette | #165 | 2009/04/22 | 26 | 抄訳 |
03 | 嵐の塔 | Storm Tower | Christopher Perkins | #166 | 2009/05/13 | 19 | 年鑑 抄訳 |
04 | 暴れカラスの岩山 | Stormcrow Tor | Bruce R. Cordell | #169 | 2009/08/12 | 19 | 抄訳 |
05 | 異教徒 | Heathen | Scott Fitzgerald Gray | #155 | 2008/06/13 | 31 | 抄訳 |
05〜07 | Revenge of the Marauders | Bruce R. Cordell | #183 | 2010/10/19 | 20 | Dark Sun | |
06 | The Tyrant's Oath | Kolja Raven Liquette | #178 | 2010/05/13 | 27 | ||
06〜08 | Lord of the White Field | Daniel Marthaler | #184 | 2010/11/18 | 30 | ||
07 | ホワイト・ロータス魔法学園の危機 | Danger at the White Lotus Academy | Peter Schaefer | #165 | 2009/04/15 | 12 | |
07 | 禁断の炉の中心 | Heart of the Forbidden Forge | Luke Johnson | #167 | 2009/06/10 | 31 | 年鑑 抄訳 E |
07 | 黄金孔雀のオアシス | Oasis of the Golden Peacock | Tim Eagon | #169 | 2009/08/19 | 34 | 抄訳 |
08 | 〈夢の墓所〉に眠りし者 | Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams | Matthew Sernett | #155 | 2008/06/27 | 33 | |
08 | アッシェンポート、最後の吐息,4版 | The Last Breaths of Ashenport | Ari Marmell | #156 | 2008/07/29 | 36 | 版上 |
08 | フォート・ドウラーの大虐殺 | Massacre at Fort Dolor | Shawn Merwin | #157 | 2008/08/28 | 22 | 抄訳 |
12 | カインセップ屋敷の怪異 | The Haunting of Kincep Mansion | Skip Williams | #156 | 2008/07/23 | 24 | 抄訳 |
12 | ミスレンダインの闇の中心 | Dark Heart of Mithrendain | Greg Marks | #157 | 2008/08/29 | 25 | 抄訳 |
12 | 死よりも悪いこと | Worse Than Death | Robert J. Schwalb | #164 | 2009/03/04 | 22 | 抄訳 |
13 | 金欲の深坑 | Depths of Avarice | Tim Hitchcock | #157 | 2008/08/27 | 26 | 抄訳 |
13 | 縛鎖の網 | Web of Chains | Owen K. C. Stephens | #168 | 2009/07/08 | 20 | 抄訳 |
13 | いにしえの石碑 | Monument of the Ancients | Brian R. and Matt James | #170 | 2009/10/07 | 36 | FR |
13 | 鋼の抗争 | Clash of Steel | Jennifer Clarke Wilkes | #172 | 2009/11/17 | 24 | |
15 | シュラウデッド・クラグの海賊 | Sea Reavers of the Shrouded Crags | Logan Bonner | #158 | 2008/09/26 | 29 | |
15 | The Maze of Shattered Souls | James Wyatt | #177 | 2010/04/16 | 27 | E | |
16 | Faarlung's Algorithm | Syd Thurston | #179 | 2010/06/24 | 20 | ||
16 | The Spiral Gate | Scott Fitzgerald Gray | #180 | 2010/07/20 | 30 | FR | |
21 | 時を超えるジグラット | Ziggurat Beyond Time | David Noonan | #159 | 2008/10/15 | 33 | |
22 | 魔女の冬 | Winter of the Witch | Stephen Radney-MacFarland | #162 | 2009/01/14 | 35 | 年鑑 |
25 | 砂漠王の娘の墓所 | The Tomb of the Sand King's Daughter | Ari Marmell | #160 | 2008/11/19 | 36 | |
D&Dエッセンシャルズ | D&D Essentials | ||||||
02 | 幽霊塔の迷宮 | The Dungeon of the Ghost Tower | Robert J. Schwalb | #182 | 2010/09/21 | 23 | |
02 | 訪問者を消せ | Kill the Messengers | Chris Perkins | #182 | 2010/10/29 | 9 | ジェン・コン用 |
〈戦の鱗片〉冒険群 | Scales of War Adventure Path | ||||||
01 | リーヴェンロア城の虜 | Rescue at Rivenroar | David Noonan | #156 | 2008/07/11 | 42 | 1 |
03 | ボードリン監視所防衛戦 | Siege of Bordrin's Watch | Robert J. Schwalb | #157 | 2008/08/13 | 57 | 2 |
04 | 暗黒炉の〈影の亀裂〉 | The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge | Scott Fitzgerald Gray | #158 | 2008/09/19 | 50 | 3 |
06 | カラックの失われた鉱山 | The Lost Mines of Karak | Greg A. Vaughan、James Larrison | #159 | 2008/10/22 | 38 | 4 |
07 | 破壊者の隠れ家 | Den of the Destroyer | Rodney Thompson | #160 | 2008/11/12 | 41 | 5 |
09 | 寺院の狭間 | The Temple Between | Ari Marmell | #161 | 2008/12/10 | 68 | 6 |
10 | 〈哀悼の拳〉 | Fist of Mourning | Robert J. Schwalb | #162 | 2009/01/07 | 23 | 7 |
11 | まだらの塔を超えて | Beyond the Mottled Tower | Broadhurst, Cordell, Noonan | #163 | 2009/02/11 | 38 | 8 |
12 | ザ・ビター・グラスの安置場所 | Haven of the Bitter Glass | Kevin Kulp | #164 | 2009/03/20 | 83 | 9 |
14 | ネフェラスの同盟 | Alliance at Nefelus | Chris Tulach | #165 | 2009/04/08 | 48 | 10 |
15 | 岩皮王の玉座 | Throne of the Stone-Skinned King | Logan Bonner | #166 | 2009/05/06 | 46 | 11 年鑑 |
17 | ガレイサの金床 | Garaitha's Anvil | Scott Fitzgerald Gray | #167 | 2009/06/17 | 64 | 12 |
19 | 魂の圧制者 | Tyranny of Souls | Robert J. Schwalb | #168 | 2009/07/22 | 70 | 13 |
21 | モナザーンの裏切り | Betrayal at Monadhan | David Noonan | #170 | 2009/09/09 | 54 | 14 |
22 | 外殻城砦の支配者 | Grasp of the Mantled Citadel | Creighton Broadhurst | #171 | 2009/10/21 | 44 | 15 |
24 | イオの遺産 | Legacy of Io | Daniel Marthaler | #172 | 2009/11/10 | 37 | 16 |
25 | かつて忠実なりし者 | Those Once Loyal | Robert J. Schwalb | #173 | 2009/12/14 | 50 | 17 |
27 | 炎の試練 | Test of Fire | Scott Fitzgerald Gray | #174 | 2010/01/12 | 46 | 18 |
30 | ティアマトの最後のブレス | Last Breath of Tiamat | David Noonan | #175 | 2010/02/17 | 45 | 完結 |
〈アイウーンの涙〉3部作 | The Tear of Ioun Campaign Arc | ||||||
10 | 狂気の接触,4版 | Touch of Madness | Robert J. Schwalb | #161 | 2008/12/17 | 42 | 版上 |
11 | 狂気の深奥 | Depths of Madness | Robert J. Schwalb | #162 | 2009/01/21 | 41 | |
13 | 狂気の縁 | Brink of Madness | Robert J. Schwalb | #163 | 2009/02/18 | 46 | |
05〜07 | Bark at the Moon, Part 1 | Robert J. Schwalb | #185 | 2010/12/10 | 22 | ||
〈混沌の痕〉冒険集 ここ | The Chaos Scar Campaign ここ | ||||||
混沌の痕の城塞 | The Keep on the Chaos Scar | Mike Mearls | #176 | 2010/03/23 | 10 | 設定 | |
01 | 泥に突き立つ杖 | Stick in the Mud | Aeryn Rudel | #171 | 2009/10/07 | 11 | |
01 | 奴隷狩りの棲居 | Den of the Slavetakers | Rob Heinsoo | #171 | 2009/10/19 | 15 | |
01 | 灰色の兄弟 | The Brothers Gray | Greg A. Vaughan | #172 | 2009/11/03 | 10 | |
01 | 死を呼ぶ顎 | Death in the Pincers | Rob Heinsoo | #172 | 2009/11/24 | 10 | |
01 | 穢れたらせん | The Tainted Spiral | Aeryn Rudel | #173 | 2009/12/08 | 12 | |
01 | 偶然の遭遇 | A Chance Encounter | Robert J. Schwalb | #174 | 2010/01/05 | 5 | |
01 | 森に潜む目 | Eyes in the Forest | Robert J. Schwalb | #177 | 2010/04/07 | 5 | |
01 | 谷のエルフたち | Elves of the Valley | Robert J. Schwalb | #178 | 2010/05/20 | 12 | |
02 | 失われた書庫 | The Lost Library | Peter Lee | #173 | 2009/12/22 | 13 | |
02 | 欠片の呼び声 | Sliver's Call | Stephen Radney-MacFarland | #174 | 2010/01/18 | 12 | |
02 | ガラスの森の神殿 | The Shrine of Glass-Spire Forest | Cal Moore | #175 | 2010/02/02 | 8 | |
02 | 四つ辻 | The Crossroads | Rodney Thompson | #176 | 2010/03/02 | 9 | |
02 | 死霊のはらわた | Dead By Dawn | Aeryn "Blackdirge" Rudel | #176 | 2010/03/12 | 13 | |
02 | 堕ちたる鉄槌 | The Hammer Falls | Corwin Riddle | #179 | 2010/06/25 | 12 | |
02 | ゴブリンの穴へ | Down the Goblin Hole | Gareth Hanrahan | #180 | 2010/07/08 | 12 | |
03 | 這いずるものの神殿 | The Crawling Fane | Aeryn "Blackdirge" Rudel | #178 | 2010/05/25 | 14 | |
03 | 砕かれた泉 | The Splintered Spring | Scott Fitzgerald Gray | #179 | 2010/06/08 | 13 | |
03 | The Wayward Wyrmling | Aeryn "Blackdirge" Rudel | #182 | 2010/09/14 | 11 | ||
04 | 輝く石の洞窟 | Glowstone Caverns | Jennifer Clarke Wilkes | #177 | 2010/04/26 | 12 | |
04 | 見つめる柱 | The Pillar of Eyes | Robert J. Schwalb | #180 | 2010/07/14 | 14 | |
04 | Vanguard Tower | Rob Wieland | #182 | 2010/09/07 | 10 | ||
06〜08 | The Radiant Morn | Daniel Marthaler | #183 | 2010/10/12 | 14 | ||
07〜09 | Head in the Clouds | Matt Sernett | #184 | 2010/11/09 | 12 | ||
脇道冒険 | Side Treks | ||||||
01〜03 | シャドウフェル城の影:脇道冒険 | Keep on the Shadowfell: Side Treks | Peter Schaefer | #155 | 2008/06/06 | 7 | 公式 翻訳 |
02 | ドリアスの隠処 | The Den of Dreus | Logan Bonner | #179 | 2010/06/04 | 12 | 公式 |
04〜05 | 解き放たれた悪夢 | Nightmares Unleashed | Craig A. Campbell | #177 | 2010/04/02 | 9 | |
05 | 隠された運命 | Hidden Destinies | Brian Cortijo | #175 | 2010/02/10 | 9 | FR |
06 | 雷鳴山の迷宮に響くこだま | Echoes of Thunderspire Labyrinth | Greg Bilsland | #156 | 2008/07/29 | 10 | 公式 |
07 | 木の上だ! | Treed! | Tim Eagon | #171 | 2009/10/14 | 8 | |
10 | 苦痛の館 | House of Pain | Jennifer Clarke Wilkes | #163 | 2009/02/04 | 8 | |
10 | 蛇神の広間 | Hall of the Snake God | Robert J. Schwalb | #169 | 2009/08/05 | 6 | |
11〜14 | トロール街を越えて:脇道冒険 | Beyond the Trollhaunt: Side Treks | Logan Bonner | #160 | 2008/11/05 | 10 | 公式 |
デルヴ型冒険 | Dungeon Delve | ||||||
01 | Coppernight's Salvation | Shawn Merwin | #178 | 2010/05/11 | 11 | ||
2.5 | 愚者の果樹園 | Fool's Grove | Logan Bonner & Chris Sims | #165 | 2009/04/01 | 10 | ネタ |
07〜08 | ハルークの墓所 | Haruuc's Tomb | Craig A. Campbell | #176 | 2010/03/09 | 12 | E |
08 | 毒影団、再び | Return of the Poisoned Shadows | Greg Marks | #164 | 2009/03/11 | 10 | 続編 |
11 | トロール王の王冠 | Crown of the Troll King | Daniel Marthaler | #169 | 2009/08/19 | 9 | |
12 | グレゴールの脱獄 | Gregor's Tangent | Shawn Merwin | #172 | 2009/11/12 | 6 | FR |
18 | 夏の終わり | Summer's End | Bill Slavicsek | #160 | 2008/11/19 | 7 | 原書 |
キャンペーンの手引書 | Campaign Workbook | ||||||
5〜17 | The Sea Demon's Shrine | Richard L. Baker | #181 | 2010/08/10 | 5 | ||
13 | スターマントルの廃墟 | Ruins of Starmantle | Bruce R. Cordell | #161 | 2008/12/03 | 5 | FR |
伝説級 | 勇者の戦い:ドリッズド | Hero Battle: Drizzt | Chris Sims and Chris Youngs | #171 | 2009/10/23 | 6 | FR |
神話級 | 勇者の戦い:エルミンスター | Hero Battle: Elminster | Chris Sims | #181 | 2010/08/05 | 5 | FR |
冒険の種 | Adventure Seeds | ||||||
伝説級 | アボレスの都市 | City of Aboleths | Bruce R. Cordell | #170 | 2009/09/16 | 10 | FR |
冒険設定 | |||||||
英雄級 | 〈正義の目〉団 | Eye of Justice | Erik Scott de Bie | #171 | 2009/10/21 | 9 | FR |
Sealing the Pact | Jeff Morgenroth and Arnie Franke | #174 | 2010/01/07 | 7 | |||
Red Shoals of Dkar | Bruce R. Cordell | #174 | 2010/01/14 | 9 | |||
空戦 | Aerial Battles | Robert J. Schwalb | #180 | 2010/07/15 | 8 | E | |
11 | The Endless Road | Ari Marmell | #174 | 2010/01/26 | 14 | ||
この世ならざる魔法 | Unearthed Arcana | ||||||
Curses! | Peter Schaefer | #182 | 2010/09/03 | 4 | |||
公式シナリオ変換データ | Conversion | ||||||
01 | シャドウフェル城の影:FR用変換 | Keep on the Shadowfell: FR Conversion | Greg Bilsland | #155 | 2008/06/06 | 14 | FR |
01 | シャドウフェル城の影:エベロン用変換 | Keep on the Shadowfell: E Conversion | Stephen Radney-MacFarland | #155 | 2008/06/06 | 11 | E |
04 | 雷鳴山の迷宮:FR用変換 | Thunderspire Labyrinth: FR Conversion | Greg Bilsland | #156 | 2008/07/29 | 6 | FR |