塩性湿地の亡霊/Ghosts of Saltmarsh 補遺A:船舶と海洋/Of Ships and the Sea
船舶用データブロック/Ship Stat blocks
To aid in running adventures where ships engage in combat, undertake precise navigation, or face situations where their various capabilities become relevant, the following section presents new rules and stat blocks for a spectrum of vessels.
A ship stat block has three main parts: basic statistics, components, and action options. Ships can't take any actions on their own. Without effort from its crew, a ship might drift on the water, come to a stop, or careen out of control.
Most ships are Large, Huge, or Gargantuan. A ship's size category is determined by its length or width, whichever is longer. For instance, a ship that is 10 feet long and 20 feet wide would use the size category that has a 20-foot width, which means the ship is Gargantuan.
A ship doesn't have a square space unless its stat block specifies otherwise. For example, a ship that is 20 feet long and 10 feet wide occupies a 20-by-10-foot space.
A ship can't move into a space that is too small to accommodate it. If it tries to do so, it crashes, as described in the "Crashing a Ship" section (page 199).
A ship's stat block indicates how many creatures and how much cargo it can carry. Creatures include both the crew of the vessel and any passengers who might ride along. Passengers don't generally engage in running a ship, but they also don't need to be mere bystanders. Seasick merchants and marines thoroughly capable of facing menaces from the deep both count as passengers.
Cargo capacity notes the maximum amount of cargo a ship can carry. A vessel can't move-or might even start taking on water- if its cargo exceeds this capacity.
A ship's travel pace determines how far the vessel can move per hour and per day. A ship's movement-related components (described later in the stat block) determine how far the vessel can move each round.
A ship has the six ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) and the corresponding modifiers.
The Strength of a ship expresses its size and weight. Dexterity represents a ship's ease of handling. A ship's Constitution covers its durability and the quality of its construction. Ships usually have a score of 0 in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
If a ship has a 0 in a score, it automatically fails any ability check or saving throw that uses that score.
A ship's vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities apply to all its components, unless otherwise noted in the stat block.
Ships are typically immune to poison and psychic damage. Ships are also usually immune to the following conditions: blinded, charmed, deafened , exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned. prone, stunned, and unconscious.
This part of the stat block specifies what the ship can do on its turn, using its special actions rather than the actions used by creatures. It even relies on its actions to move; it doesn't have a move otherwise. The ship's captain decides which actions to use. A given action can be chosen on ly once during a turn.
A ship is composed of different components, each of which comprises multiple objects:
Hull. A ship's hull is its basic frame, on which the other components are mounted.
Control. A control component is used to steer a ship.
Movement. A movement component is the element of the ship that enables it to move, such as a set of sails or oars, and has a specific speed.
Weapon. A ship capable of being used in combat has one or more weapon components, each of which is operated separately.
A ship's component might have special rules, as described in the stat block.
A component has an Armor Class. Its AC reflects the materials used to construct it and any defensive plating used to augment its toughness.
A ship component is destroyed and becomes unusable when it drops to 0 hit points. A ship is wrecked if its hull is destroyed.
A ship doesn't have Hit Dice.
If a ship component has a damage threshold, that threshold appears after its hit points. A component has immunity to all damage unless it takes an amount of damage that equals or exceeds its threshold, in which case it takes damage as normal. Damage that fails to bypass the threshold is considered superficial and doesn't reduce the component's hit points.
Each vessel requires people to run it: the officers in charge and the sailors who follow their orders.
If you'd like to explore running a ship, it needs officers to oversee its operations- officers who fill six different roles. Some roles aboard a ship reflect the need for trained experts to direct a crew's efforts. Other roles focus on keeping the crew's health and morale in order. The roles are meant to provide a sense of the types of ability checks useful to managing a ship. Of these, though, captain is the only role that must be filled for the ship to function. A ship needs a single person to issue orders and respond to threats, otherwise a ship risks chaos and confusion during a crisis.
Each type of officer is described below, along with the abilities and proficiencies that help a character excel in that role:
Captain. The captain issues orders. The best captains have high Intelligence and Charisma scores, as well as proficiency with water vehicles and the Intimidation and Persuasion skills.
First Mate. This specialist keeps the crew's morale high by providing supervision, encouragement. and discipline. A first mate benefits from a high Charisma score, as well as proficiency with the Intimidation and Persuasion skills.
Bosun. The bosun (or boatswain) provides technical advice to the captain and crew and l eads repair and maintenance efforts. A good bosun has a high Strength scor e, as w ell as proficiency with carpenter's tool s and the Athletics skill.
Quartermaster. The quartermaster plots the ship's course, relying on knowledge of nautical charts and a study of weather and sea conditions. A reliable quartermaster tends to have a high Wisdom score, as well as proficiency with navigator's tools and the Nature skill.
Surgeon. The ship's surgeon tends to injuries. keeps illnesses from spreadin g throughout the ship, and over sees sanitation. A capable surgeon benefits from a high Intelligence score, as well as proficiency with herbalism kits and the Medicine skill.
Cook. A ship's cook works with the limited ingredients aboard a ship to make meals. A skilled cook k eeps the crew's morale in top shape. while a poor one drags down the entire crew's performance. A talented cook has a high Constitution score. as well as proficiency with brewer's supplies and cook's utensils.
A ship requires a number of able-bodied sa il ors to crew
it, as specified in its stat block. A c rew's s kill , experience,
morale. and health are defined by its quality score.
This score ca n affect a number of genera l ship activities,
like the crew's ability to notice threats or contend with
hazards. A crew starts with a quality score of +4. but
that score varies over time, going as l ow as - 10 and as
high as + 10. It decreases as a crew takes casualti es.
suffers hardship, or endures poor health. It increases if
the crew enjoys high morale, has good health care, and
r eceives fair leadership.
A typica l crew m ember uses the commoner s tat block
in the Mo n ster Manual.
When dea ling with an individual member of the cr ew,
you might find it useful to use the optional loyalty rule
from chapter 4 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. To convert
a quality score into an individual's loyalty score. add
JO to the crew's quality score.
A poorly l ed or mistr eated crew might turn aga inst
its o ffi ce r s. Once per day, if a crew's quality score is
lower than 0 , the captain must make a Charisma (Intimidat
ion or Persuasion) check modified by the crew's
quality scor e.
If the check total is between J and 9. the crew's quality
score decreases by 1.
If the check total is 0 or lower, the crew mutinies.
They become hostile to the officers and might attempt to
kill them. imprison them, or throw them overboard. The crew can be cowed into obedience through violence,
combat, or offers of treasure or other rewards.
When the DM ends tbe mutiny, the crew's quaHty
score increases by ld4.
Li fe aboa rd a ship is a constant wear on the cr ew.
Spending time in port allows the crew to relax and r ega
in its co mposure.
If a cr ew's quality scor e i s 3 or lower, the score
increases by 1 for each day th e cr ew spends in port
or ashor e.
Some vessels possess extraordinary abilities, whether
due to magic or superior artisanship. The upgrades below
can r eplace a sh ip's existing components or provide
a new el ement to augment a ship's abilities.
Add ing an upgrad e cost s 15 ,000 gp and requir es ld4
weeks o f work. During that time. the ship must remain
in port. I f the ship leaves, the work must sta rt over, but
you don't need to pay the gold piece cost a second time.
Any ship with a hull can gain one of the following upgrades.
In some cases. an upgrade also provides a benefit
to the ship's other components.
A tempest rages within these rune-etched, iron chains.
Raiders and pirates who operate under t he blessi ngs of
a storm god sometimes make use of th is upgrade.
By draping the chains over a ship's hull, the storm's
fury thrashes into the water around it. The water within
210 feet of the ship is difficult terrain for everything
other than this ship.
Crafted with materials harvested from the Shadowfell,
this upgrade gr ams a ship an aura of dread. As an action,
the sh ip ca n create a pulse of horrific energy. Eve ry
creatur e that is an enemy of the ship who is on board or
within 210 feet of it mu st make DC 14 Wisdom sav i ng
throw. On a failed save, a c r eature is frightened of the
ship for J minute. On a successful save, the creature is
immune to this ability fo r 24 hours. Once this ability is
used. it can't be used again until ld4 hours have passed.
This upgrade replaces a ship's hull with supernatural
ice drawn from the elemental planes. The hull and the
other componen ts of the ship are immune to cold damage
but vu l nerable to fire damage. T he ship ca n also
move at its normal speed over ice of any t hickness, floating
on the ice at the same depth as it wou ld in water.
This vessel's hull was crafted in the Feywild under the
direction of master eladrin shipwrights. It is a living
plant. drawing sustenance from water and sunlight.
Vines covered in thick leaves hang over its side, and the wood runs with fresh sap when damaged. The ship
gains a +2 bonus to all Constitution checks or saving
throws. As long as the ship has at least 1 hit point, it regains
10 hit points every minute.
A master shipwright can use superior materials and
clever design to make a ship's hull more resilient. Such
reinforcement doubles the hull's hit point maximum.
A row of crystal orbs. each filled with viscous liquid
and a beholder's eyeball, is mounted along this ship's
hull. Invisible creatures are visible while on the ship or
within 120 feet of it.
Each movement upgrade applies 10 a specific movement
type. A component can gain the benefits of one upgrade.
Using a combination of magic and clockwork, the oars
on this ship require only one crew member to use them,
pushing the button or lever that activates them.
These billowing sails are woven from cloud-stuff drawn
from the Elemental Plane of Air. Wind whips and whistles
around them, allowing a ship to move with a speed
of 60 feet regardless of direction relative to the wind.
These sails glitter with a fine coat of mithral treated
with abjuration magic. While the sails are unfurled.
ranged weapon attacks made against the ship and anyone
aboard it are made with disadvantage, as a result of
the sails' protective magic. This drawback doesn't apply
if the attacker is aboard the ship.
Dragon scales woven into these sails make them more
resistant to damage. The sails gain a +3 bonus to AC.
and they have resistance to a damage type based on
the type of scales used to craft them, as shown on the
Dragon Sails table.
Dragon Type Damage Type
Black Acid
Blue Lightning
Brass Fire
Bronze Lightning
Copper Acid
Gold Fire
Green Acid
Red Fire
Silver Cold
White Cold
Woven from the energy of captured wraiths and bound
with the spirit of a banshee, these sails groan mournfully
when they catch the wind. As an action. while
within 5 feet of the sails, the ship's captain can cause
the sails to unleash a howl. Every creature hostile to the
ship who is on board or within 300 feet of it must succeed
on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, or the creature
takes 4d6 psychic damage and is then frightened for 1
minute. Once this ability has been used, it can't be used
again until 2d6 hours have passed.
Sharpened. magically reinforced oars make a vessel
dangerous to approach. When the ship takes an action
that moves it with these oars, any creature or object in
the water within 10 feet of it at any point of the move
must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6
slashing damage on a failed save or half as much damage
on a successfu I one.
The following upgrades can apply to any weapon
mounted aboard a ship. A component can gain the
benefits of one upgrade, or two upgrades if one of the
upgrades is Arcane Artillery.
Using methods similar to those used to produce magic
weapons, a skilled spellcaster imbues a ship's weapon
with destructive energy. This weapon gains a +2 bonus
to its attack and damage rolls, and its attacks count
as magical.
Enhanced by abjuration magic. this weapon's attacks
burst with raucous noise capable of momentarily distracting
and disorienting enemy crews. If this weapon
hits a vehicle's hull, that vehicle's speed decreases by
2d l 0 feet until the start of the attacker's next turn.
Drawing on powerful evocation magic, this weapon's
attacks are imbued with unstable energy that explodes
in a fiery blast. When this weapon hits. it deals an extra
2d6 fire damage.
This weapon creates spectral chains that trail after its
shots, restraining enemy vessels in their grasp. When
this weapon hits a ship, that vehicle must succeed on a
DC 14 Strength saving throw or it can't move away from
the attacker. As an action. the attacking ship can end
this effect, and the target can end it by taking an action
and succeeding on a DC 14 Strength check.
While figureheads are usually purely decorative. they
might be magically treated to produce extraordinary effects.
A ship can receive one figurehead upgrade.
This figurehead depicts an armored knight. As an
action, the ship can activate this item, causing it to animate
as an iron golem. The golem acts on the ship's
turn when the captain uses one of the ship's actions.
The golem remains animated for 1 minute. At the end
of that time, it teleports back to its position as a figu rehead.
Once a ship uses this action, it can't use it again
for 24 hours.
This figurehead depicts a red dragon rearing to strike,
its mouth open. As an action, the ship can activate this
item to create a 60-foot cone of flame that originates
from the figurehead. Each creature and object in the
cone must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking
21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. Once a ship uses this action,
it can't use it again for 1 minute.
This figurehead depicts a storm giant clutching a thunderbolt.
As an action, the ship can activate this item to
create a 60-foot cone that originates from the figurehead.
Each creature in the cone must make DC 12 Constitution
saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) thunder damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. A creature that fails its saving throw is also pushed
10 feet away from the figurehead. Once a ship uses this
action, it can't use it again for 1 minute.
The following upgrades don't apply to a specific element
of the ship. A ship can use any number of them, but it
can gain a specific upgrade only once.
The bones of ancient, mysterious creatures festoon the
ship. Potent runes crawl across these remains, emitting
a sickly green radiance. When a humanoid dies aboard
the ship, that creature must make a DC 12 Wisdom
saving throw. On a successful save, it dies as normal. If
it fai ls, it immediately rises as a zombie obedient to the
ship's captain. The zombie gains a working knowledge
of the ship, allowing it to serve as a member of the crew.
A number of creatures equal to the ship's creature capacity
can be animated in this manner at any given time.
This flag is meant to be flown from a ship's mast. Its
powerful magic causes it to appear as a flag or banner
displaying the symbol of a group, captain, or realm
friendly to the viewer. Multiple viewers might see different
flags or crests.
The banner's true power is its ability to aid a ship in
making rapid escapes. As an action, the ship and all
friendly creatures aboard it teleport up to 3 miles to a
known destination of the captain's choice. Hostile creatures
aboard the ship don't move with the ship and fall
into the water it once occupied. Once this item is used to
teleport, it can't teleport in this way again for 2d6 days.
This 4-foot-tall bronze drum comes with a pair of iron
mallets. A creature can activate the drums as an action,
causing the hammers to float above the drum and strike
it to produce a thundering rhythm. For the next minute,
the ship gains one additional action, as long as it has at
least one action. Once this item is used, it can't be activated
again for 2dl0 hours.