九層地獄でパラディンと握手! マイチャス・ガイルによるクリサンドラルの追悼演説 Michuth Gyl, the Eulogy of Klysandral



    おめでとう! ありがとう! *1
  苦闘8ヶ月、あとは寺院を解放すればグッド・エンディングです *2


  実際シナリオを回している段では、このような文章を読み上げるのは気恥ずかしいものであり、また結構よくできた文章(訳文含む)なので、ここで全文を紹介したいと思います *3


"Of all men I have known, Klysandral had saved, aided, or befriended more people than anyone else. The attendance here today shows the varied lives he touched in a signficant way."


"Greatest of all living heroes, Klysandral took setbacks in stride, and did not let the unexpected deter him. He knew that to achieve a goal, one must sometimes overcome unforeseen, even unrelated challenges."


"The mark of a true hero is that when faced with an insurmountable obstacle, he not only presses on, but remains confident of a just solution. Klysandral was such a hero. Even the Gates of Hell, I am sure, would not deter him."


"Klysandral knew that as powerful as the forces of evil were, good was stronger. Faith, hope, love, charity, trust, truth... these were the things from which he drew his fabled strength. Evil could not stand the bright light of his soul. His righteousness, when coupled with his ingenuity, prowess, and power, would always win in the end."


"Klysandral was my best friend, and I will miss him. Nevertheless, as he passes on to his well-deserved reward (and, I hope, rest), we should hold his example up to new heroes. If we all strive to be a little more like him, the world in general will be a better place. He would be happy to know that his influence created such a legacy."


